Sunday, April 21, 2013

CD Review – Hidden Journey, by Scott August

The latest release by award-winning and chart-topping Native American-style flutist Scott August features music that is as grand as the awe-inspiring majesty of the Southwestern landscapes that inspired it.
August’s various flutes are the heart and soul of the album, weaving a thread around which August adds guitars, sitar, keyboards, synthesizers, and percussion to create a mystical desert symphony.
Cliffs, canyons, and red rocks are the stuff of this CD’s dreams, conjured not only by the impressionistic music but also by the beautiful photography that permeates the CD jacket. The album artwork and the music both serve as a portal to a world of natural beauty.
Tracks such as “Summer Horizons,” “Turquoise Trail,” “Red Rock Crossing,” and “Searching for the Ancients” capture the sweeping mystique of the American Southwest’s vast expanse, making this a hidden journey well worth taking.
--Raj Manoharan

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