CD Fan Review
Atavachron isn't as perfect an album as its predecessor, Metal
Fatigue, it's nearly as perfect, with Allan Holdsworth sounding
the slickest he ever has up to this point.
a pioneer in the use of guitar synthesizers, Holdsworth adds the
Synthaxe to his sonic palette. The Synthaxe is a cross between a
guitar and a synthesizer, with Holdsworth adding a breath controller,
enabling him to achieve crystalline tones never before possible with
six strings.
result is an album and title track that live up to their namesake, a
time machine from the original Star Trek series episode "All
Our Yesterdays," which is also the name of the one vocal track
here, sung by Rowanne Mark. The cover illustration features
Holdsworth, apparently an ardent Trekkie, in the atavachron, dressed
in a Starfleet engineering/security red shirt and holding his
strange new sounds and seeking out new music and new compositions,
Allan Holdsworth boldly goes where no guitarist has gone before.